Friday 24 August 2012

Pleasant surprise at work!

I went into work this morning expecting it to be MANIC as Rebecca is at a festival and Kristy's broke her leg, which means there's only me Sue and Derek in this weekend. However, it looked like an easy day! There were only 9 in and they were nicely spread out over the day so it looked quite easy.
The first dog to come in was a little Lakeland who's owner had tried to cut it himself and made a COMPLETE mess of her. He'd balded parts of her back, gave her rashes and nicks in her skin, and took chunks out of her fur all over. She looked a sorry sight. To anyone reading, don't groom your own dog unless you've been taught HOW to do it properly and safely, there's more to making a mess of your dog's fur, you can damage the skin and coat (Grooming isn't as easy as people think!).

We managed to get her looking very presentable and then Sue found a lump around her groin which could have been cancerous. The owners mother came to pick the pooch up and when we told her about the lump and apparently her son had known and just not taken the dog to the vets but she said she would, poor soul.

Later on we got a lovely old Daxi in. He was 16 and a complete little Gent. After I bathed him I put him on the table to dry and he just lay down - he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it :) (for some reaon it won't let me put it horizontally!)

Finally, we had a GORGEOUS 6 month old Dogue de Bordeaux puppy in for his free puppy groom. He was good as gold!
So after a busy(ish!) day at work I'm now spending the rest of my evening on my sofa, under my blanket with my dog chilling out and watching tele! (ARGH! Why won't they rotate!?)
Anyhows, until next time!
C&J x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlotte. I love the photo of the Dogue puppy.

    I agree if you don't know how to groom your dog leave it to the profesionals. And get the job done properly instead of stressing the dogs out.

    People think they're saving money but realy what they're doing is making things worse that ends up costing more money.

