Friday 10 August 2012

Welcome to our life

So, I've pretty much started this blog on impulse. Hopefully I'll follow through on it - I'll try, I promise.

I don't really know what the blog purpose is either, probably to make my life sound a lot more exciting than it is (it's not exciting at all). There'll be a lot of dog related posts as I've pretty much thrown my whole life into dogs. I work with dogs, I own a dog, a lot of my free time involves dogs and I'm starting a Degree involving (yes, you guessed it) dogs.
I'm currently training/working in a Dog Grooming Salon and I'm starting a Foundation Degree in Canine Behaviour and Training which I'm super excited for!

I'll mainly talk about my experiences, daily life and do some reviews on stuff I've bought/tested (both doggy and non-doggy related!). I'll try not to make EVERY post solely about dogs though! I'll try to keep it varied and throw in some curve balls here and there. But now I best go and think about what unexciting events I can make sound interesting for my next post!

For now, meet Jasper!

And just to give 'a taste' of what I like, here's some of my favourite things

(My dog print pillow, dog training/behaviour books, my kindle, Nikon cameras, iPod/music, my clicker! and bags. Lots and lots of bags.)


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