Tuesday 14 August 2012

Fun in the Sun

Again, it's another lovely day so I took a nice walk with Jasper and Glen to a nature reserve near where we live before Glen goes away for the week. It was quite hot and sunny so Jasper donned his EasiDri and I'm so glad I thought to put it on him (even if I did forget the poo bags...). Every dog we walked past was panting away and although I got funny looks for having my dog in a coat, I knew he was coping better than some of the poor pooches. It was quite a nice opportunity for photos so we took a few - I'm trying to get back in the swing of using my camera as it's been gathering dust for the past couple of months. So here goes!

Excited but being patient for his walk

 He does have eyes

View over Joe's Pond

He's being obesient (and I look like I'm balding!)

Bit of love

More love (and stopping him from running up to say hello to a cyclist)

Finally, that lovely, long walk finished off with a lovely Subway. Mmm.

I'm also toying with the idea of making dog collars to sell. Although I get paid for my part-time job at the salon, a bit of extra income never hurt, right? And seeing as I'm never going to be lucky enough to win £148 million on the lottery, I better try my luck elsewhere.

That's about it for today, the rest of our afternoon is going to be spent lounging in the garden in the sun (probably burning), attempting a bit of training and then chilling out again. Not that I'm complaining but since I've had my days changed at work all I seem to do is walk Jasper, train and chill out. Not a bad life but I'll be happy to start my course and actually do something productive with my day!

Adios all and enjoy whatever you're doing on this beautiful day!

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