Tuesday 21 August 2012

Back from our walk, we were going to do a mammoth walk for a couple of hours but it was really warm (again!) so we took a nice walk through the Caastle woods and bck along the river as it was a lot cooler and more shaded. I also took Jasper down to the shallow part of the river in the Castle woods to see if he wanted a dip but he only dipped his nose in then scattered back so I don't think he was too keen! We walked through th Castle grounds and Jasper decided he was going to be the King!

We also did a bit of recall training on the way home and he did really well (if he does that well at Good Cit's then we won't have a problem with passing!)

However, when we got home, Jasper had to have his legs washed which he wasn't very happy about as he was a bit manky and muddy.

And finally, after he got clean and dried, we played with the Octopus in the garden. Note: he's very easily distracted (Also, ignore my horrific training in repeating commands. Bad Charlotte!)

Jasper is now paggered out on his bed and I'm chilling in my jammies eating a baked potato and watching terrible tele.

Bye guys, we'll update tomorrow!
C&J x

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