Thursday 16 August 2012

Another day, another walk

Hi again, having a bit of hit and miss week with training this week. We were at training last night and Jasper was quite uncomfortable. To start off with we were just warming up getting the dogs to sit/down/sit up/stand etc and he seemed fine and was interested in food. However, as soon as we started the 'Go to Bed' exercise he shut down and wouldn't move off the bed. I then had to act really silly to get him to cheer up and wag his tail again. He did a few waits and a good recall. We then had to do a heeling recall where the dogs come from behind and walk at our heel for a few steps. When I called him he stayed sitting and turned his head - telling me he was completely unhappy with the situation. He's an odd little dog as even the slightest change in my voice or emotion completely throw him and training is them pointless so I think we might do minimal 'formal' training this week

This was taken by one of the trainers last night. It's obvious to see that he looks uncomfortable

But he looks a bit more interested here

And on to this morning. It's A-Level results and although I did a BTEC Extended Diploma in Animal Management rather than A-Levels with exams, I'm still expecting my results in the post - I didn't realise how excited I was until all my college friends posted pictures of their results online. Eep!

I got up early this morning and was out the house at 8:40 to take Jasper for a walk. We walked down through Lumley Castle woods, onto the  Riverside Nature reserve at Chester park and then back up to Lumley through the fields. The whole walk was probably around 3 miles and took nearly 2 hours so we're both a bit shattered! There was a lot of off lead opportunities so he had a really good walk and a bit of a chase after his frisbee. The sun was out and there was a bit of a breeze so it was quite nice, yet as soon as we got home big black clouds started rolling in so we've avoided any rain. Yay!

I took a few snaps on my phone from the walk as I find concentrating on a dog and taking photos with my good camera a bit risky - I like to know what Jasper's doing all the time. So they're not very good quality, but here we go anyway!

Lumley Castle

Riverside walk

Demonstrating a good sit wait

 Looking manly with his pink frisbee

 A bit of informal training

 More informal training

 Mid trot

 View over the river

 Chillin' outside the reserve

 Quick recall

 Not quite sure what these are

Walk down the other side of the river

Says it all

Walk back along the river

Finally back in Lumley fields

p.s. Since beginning to write this at 11am this morning, I finally got my results and got Distinction*Distinction*Distinction*. Yay!


  1. That walk looks like a lovely place, Charlotte! How do you get to it?
    I don't know the Chester-le-Street area too well. Is it in the grounds of Lumley Castle or just near it?

  2. The first 2 were in the castle grounds (obviously :P) but after that it was just behind the Cricket Ground at Chester Park. The park is on one side of the road and the sports complex is on the other.
    You walk along beside the river and come onto a big field, you can then walk all the way round the river (not sure where it comes out at) or make your own routes through the nature reserve bit. It's quite a nice walk when it's sunny, not so much when its raining!

  3. Ahh, I see! It looks like a nice walk. I'll have to keep that one in mind for if we want to go a bit further afield with the dogs sometimes!
