Monday 20 August 2012

What a boooring day. Woke up super early and was planning to take Jasper on a nice walk but the next thing I knew if was hoyking it down with rain so we waited until it cleared up. We then went for a walk down the side of the corn field (usually takes around 40 minutes) but we only did half of that because it was so hot and humid that Jasper was really struggling. Plus there was some big harvester coming up the field so I thought it a bit risky. As we were walking back home Jasper was panting really badly and lagging behind on the lead so we've chilled out the rest of the day.

A bit later on we went in the garden to do a bit of agility prep. I set up the hurdle and sat him at one side, threw his toy over then released him over then we played a bit of tug. He seemed to enjoy it so that's promising for when we start agility with Cat soon!

The rest of the day's been lazy, we tried training the weave through my legs but he wasn't keen so either it was too warm or we overdid the training yesterday so we'll give it a rest until tomorrow.

I'm hoping to get some videos up soon but as I dont have a decent video camera til christmas, they'll be a bit hit and miss but I'll try!

Turrah guys, have a good'n
C&J x

Please, don't make me get up yet

 Rock the Stagbarr

 Addicted to this

 Cooling down, mmm

 Sleepin' in the sun

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