Wednesday 29 August 2012

Groom Groom! And new puppies

As it's Jasper's Silver Good Citizen test tonight I thought a bath and cut to make him look handsome was in order (that and he was stinking and scraggly) so I took him up to work for about 8:30. I managed to get him bathed and dried before the clients dogs came in which meant I wasn't stopping Sue and Derek from working. I took some pictures of Jasper before, during and after his groom to post up as well :)


 Wet Poodle, he has a tiny head!
 Very unhappy, stressed out boy

Fluffed out post-bath and pre-groom
 Post-groom, not much different but clean and trimmed!


Grooming Jasper's a bit time-consuming and a bit of a pain It goes a little like this
(this is just information on how I groom my own dog, you should never attempt to cut/clip your own dog in ANY way unless you have been trained to do so by a professional. I have worked and trained in a Grooming Salon for nearly 18 months under the guidance of qualified professionals so am competent in grooming my own dog safely. I will also state that human clippers and blades are NEVER to be used on dogs. They can damage the skin and coat and although a human 10# blade would be very long, dog grooming blades go in the opposite direction, so a 10# is VERY short and a 2# is very long). Do not attempt any of this yourself :
  • Bath and fluff dry (fluff drying takes aaages and hurts your arm)
  • Use 15# blade with Comb Guard 6 attatchment to clipper torso from base of neck-base of tail, chest and belly.
  • Use 15# by itself to cut back hair between eyes (the lighter part on the last picture above) and around his bum - not pleasant but we don't want cling ons!
  • 10# to clip excess hair from his groin area and under his armpits
  • Scissor trim the scraggly ends off his legs using straight scissors and blend in tops of legs to match the shorter body.
  • Round off the hair on his feet using scissors.
  • Cut the hair inbetween the the pads with a pair of blunt or 'bullnose' scissors
  • As I like to leave Jasper fluffy I cut his tail in the 'carrot style'. It is very thin at the tip, tapers out towards the base and I then cut in a little but next to the base so it literally does look like a black fluffy carrot. Then blend to the body
  • Trim the ends off ears to make straight using straight scissors
  • Scissor his head and neck using straight scissors (the technique behind this is complicated and boring to explain, so I won't bother!)
  • Tidy up and loose ends/stragglers and ensure long hair and short hair is blended in well.
  • I finished off with cutting nails and plucking the hair from his ears as these are the jobs Jasper hates and I fear he would bite during - so I muzzled him. Nails and ear plucking should normally be taken out in the prep prior to bathing.
So after all of that I finished him about 11:30. So grooming took a good 2 and a half hours as I did stop to answer the phone, clean up dog mess from clients dogs and to take photos of puppies. Which is my next point...
Both Sue and Derek got new pups this week. Sue got her Frenchie pup from her friend and Derek had his Gordon Setter pup imported from the Netherlands so had to pick her up from Calais! Both pups were in work today as they're fully covered for vaccs and oh my God they're to die for. They're both going to be show dogs and they're both so beautiful!
First, Daphney the Gordon Setter

 Second, Carter the French Bulldog

 With Auntie Picklemouse (who's looking a bit evil!) - They're actually auntie and nephew as well!

Hope I've given everyone their fill of adorable puppies and bored everyone to some extent with Grooming, but enjoy the rest of your day and wish me luck for Good Citz tonight!

C&J x

1 comment:

  1. Jasper is so fluffy!! He looks gorgeous - good luck for your silver Good Citizen, Jasper!
    And those puppies are adorable! The Gordon Setter is going to be huge, isn't she?
    I love French Bulldogs. So cute. I met one on a walk here once - it was called Pumpkin and the guy walking it sounded so funny saying "Come on Pumpkin!" haha!
