Friday 7 September 2012

Uni and stuff

Eeek, this is all getting so exciting!
I had my induction webinar last night and although it was a bit surreal I really enjoyed it! It's made me even more excited to get started and a lot of the people on the course have joined a group on Facebook and we're all getting on really well! Everyone (students and lecturers) are really friendly and I can't wait to meet them all in December!

However, that's where the stress comes in! We have to choose a block week in December to attend (6th-10th or 13th-17th), because of work I can only get onto the first week but it's sort of a first come first served as to the preference although I have mentioned that I literally can't do the 2nd week because work is chocca already! There's a couple of other people in a similar situation so fingers crossed it shouldn't be a problem.

Today's pretty much consisted of lazing around the house waiting to get my login details so that I can access the iLearn, I like to do things as soon as I get them (especially something as important as this!) and Jasper's seemed pretty sleepy after his long hard day yesterday of walking, being at work and training so he's seemed pretty happy just to chill out. We all have our log in details now but none of us can access our course screen yet, such a pain so we'll all just have to keep trying!

Because of different commitments in both our lives, I haven't seen Glen all week (bad girlfriend!) so he's coming over tonight seeing as I'm at work suuuuuper early tomorrow and as Dominoes just opened in Chester I think it calls for a pizza!

I'm on a complete high and I feel like I'm bouncing all over the shop, I'm just soo excited to get started my course! I think I'll calm down when I know I have my place secured and stuff but until then I'm being a bit of a stress head :(

Also, on Wednesday we started our Gold Citz on Wednesday and Jasper did so good! I was so pleased! The Silver and Gold classes are mixed so there were a lot of new dogs and as I was sitting opposite one woman, I was sure I recognised her. When I apoke to her she used to go to another training class I did but left because it turned her and her friends dog nervous and reactive (the other lady has to complete her Good Citz in the kitchen because her dog is so reactive :( )

We did stay, recall and passing dog exercises. When it came to Tilly's (the reactive dog in the kitchen) turn, Jasper was used as an assistant/stooge, I was so proud. I know it's nothing and it's just because he's a calm dog that's not bothered by other dogs and won't bother passing dogs but still, I was proud nontheless :). The other lady that came with Tilly's owner also joined in this exercise because the dogs knew each other. After training the three of us stood in the carpark and Tilly and Toby were no problem with Jasper, they all had a bark at the trees together. We also saw a shooting star so fingers crossed for good luck!

I'll stop boring you all with all my mad happenings of the week and post a few snaps I've taken, still just on my phone as my camera is out of charge so we wasted a lovely photo day today :(

Looking hungry in the kitchen

This is what happens when Jaspwe gets into the toy bag

Enjoying his first Kong of ham, JW and chicken paste!

May look cute but this is an example of his 'guarding face'

On a walk

In the fiields

Found my pig slippers!

My ever-growing collection of books minus 1 that I'm reading now!

My treat earlier on, Peach Melba Tart, mmm
C&J x

Sunday 2 September 2012

Back again!

I haven't updated in a while because there's been nothing much to update on!
There also hasn't been that much happening this weekend either. I was at work on Saturday, same old, same old and the only dog that really sticks in my mind is a little Cockerpoo who was rescued from a poor home and they brought him in to us for his groom. Unfortunately his last owner hadn't brushed him AT ALL so the poor thing was matted to the skin :(
 Next, we passed our Silver Citizen's Award so I bought him a GC Tag and Rosette :D Starting our Gold next week, eep!

 Today we went to a Fun show at Cleadon Kennels, there were tonnes of dogs and we were entered into 4 classes. We only got a little rosette in the Golden Oldie class and because they were so slow we didn't even get to go in our last class because we had to leave.
In our first class I was talking to a lovely girl and her 15 week old Pug puppy, Jasper was unsure but didn't react to it but another dog bit the pup on the face, the poor thing! Then in our third class a Wirehaired Pointer latched onto a different Pug, the poor guy who had the Pointer looked livid and the Pug looked completely fine!
Then later in that class I started talking to a woman with a Toy Poodle, Jasper was having a sniff and saying hello and then that dog had a go at him! It put him off a bit and he didn't really want to say hello after that but he seems ok now :)
Then when we got back to the carpark, the gate was locked! Someone had left a number to ring so we had to wait for the groundskeeper to come and open the gate - he didn't look impressed...

Finally, a couple of purchases! As the dark nights are coming in, I thought a hi-viz coat would come in handy so we purchased this one off eBay for £7.50 :)

This is part of my present (one of three books!) off mama and dada bear for doing well at college - to go towards my course!

Finally a couple of photies of Jasbear. He doesn't sleep in comfy positions!

Waiting patient on the stairs!

Bye guyss, hope to update soon :)

C&J x